General admission is £12.00

We also have Vault 139 Membership which currently offers a reduced rate of £11.00

Membership also offers Free Entry promotions and the Loyalty Card.

Admission includes a Free Drink, Free Coatcheck and Free Re-Entry

We accept Mastercard, Visa and British Pounds cash

Yes, you must be 18 years old or older. We are licensed premises.

If you’re lucky enough to look under 21 years we reserve the right to see positive proof of your age.

We are open everyday 13:00 – 01:00

Click here for further information

We offer a wide range of non-alcoholic and alcoholic drinks. Chilled tap water is available at all times, free of charge.

The bar is open 1300 – 00.30 Monday to Saturday and 1300 – 00.00 Sunday.

Payment can be made using contactless payment or cash. We also operate a ‘Tab’ system  but you need to leave your card behind the bar to to  open a ‘Tab’

Yes, throughout the building. Ask for the hub name and password at the bar.

Mobiles can only be used around the bar area.

For your convenience you can place your phone behind the bar and access it when required.

Mobiles cannot be used in cruising areas of the bar.

For the safety and security of other customers, photography or videoing is NOT allowed in the venue.


Yes, on the day of admission. Ask for a Re- Entry Pass before leaving at reception.

No. Inside we are totally smoke free, but you can ask to smoke outside the venue.

Ask for a Smoking Stamp at reception and when outside please smoke across the road.

The managers and staff have a simple policy: Vault 139 is drugs free.

If you feel the urge to consume classed drugs please do not come to Vault 139.

Anyone found to have taken or be in the posession of drugs will be ejected from the venue and barred from ever re-entering.

Any drugs found will be confiscated and destroyed.

Yes, We appreciate that some guests may have large items with them and subject to space we will, wherever possible, store your property.

Our coatcheck is covered by CCTV and we will look after your property with the utmost respect, but please be aware property is left at the customers own risk


Boxers, Jock Straps, Y-Fronts, G-string etc., plus footwear. No shirts, no trousers.

No clothes – strictly naked apart from footwear (shoes, trainers or boots allowed).

Either of the dress codes listed above.

We take pride in welcoming guests with disabilities, but please be aware as were are an old building and underground there are 20 steps off the street down to the venue. If you need help into the venue you can always call the venue in advance for assisted entry.

020 7388 5500

We welcome everyone with the clear exception of the rude and the abusive, and those who have consumed or wish to consume illegal substances. We do not judge by historic, cultural or religious origins. We do not judge by age or body type. We ask the same of you.